I am not sure about people who can read others' future, but at least we know that we can determine our future by what we are doing now.
i think people can only guess about your future. You yourself shapes it. Like they said only death and taxes aje yang certain.
i do think that we do have glimpses of our future life somehow through dreams. aku asyik dejavu aje sebab rasa pernah alami benda tu dalam mimpi. tapi setakat nie trivial things aje.
and i do believe that orang yang ada sixth sense ni boleh baca kita tapi tak ada apa yang certain kan. macam criminal profiler dia tau dah apa orang jahat tu fikir dan modus operandi.
Dr. Sam : i believe so & i've been told that our future will change and the predicition is just guideline as they can't determine our means
Mz N: De ja vu that you encounter.. i've been thru that too... i remember during 17-20 i keep on having premonition in my dream which is blur and thru enough i've pass that event,. Just wondering kenapa aku dah tak mimpi lagi macam tuh.. heheeh
Out of My Mind: Maybe so.. susah nak cakap
Its All About Me!!
- Eliz
- I have passion for life! I have passion for men!!(God's best creation ;p) Like wierd stuff... Crazy about travelling And im a backpack traveller
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