Life in a fast lane

Posted by Eliz on 7:14 PM
As i was driving back from Penang yesterday i speed up than my normal speed limit.. all i could think about is to reach home before 10pm.. And as i was speeding, cilok here and there... i suddenly realize something. I live my life in a fast lane..

I couldnt remember when's the time i sit back, be thankful for what i have and enjoy the slow phase in my life. As a teenager, i long to grow up fast so i dont have to listen to my parents. Years has past and to me my teenage life is like a blink of an eye.. i miss it... now im thinking why do i want to grow up that fast?

Same goes when im in college, cant wait to work coz i see working people are cool & they are able to get stuff that they wanted without reasoning to their parents why they need money to buy things. Again i wish i cld work full time... 

After graduating, and now working... i wake up in the morning, 1st thing i cld think about is work.. neglecting that i should give thanks to the Lord for giving me another chance to live my life and im fortunate to life a life that is comfortable.

Everything that we want now is fast, fast and fast.. if there's before panadol, now there's panadol active fast.. If before bank loan take 2 weeks to process.. now most bank take 48 hours to approve loan.. even our computer speed... 1 minute downloading feels like forever.. why??

What are we chasing? And why are we pushing ourself too hard? Look at kids nowdays.. they want to grow up fast.. drinking/smoking/ sexual intercourse such in a young age.. Ok kids i know im getting old.. I dont have handphone when i grow up like you guys now..

Work deadline, everything is fast fast fast... pushing each other to be fast...and at the end causing ourselves stress... life in fast lane is good but sometimes we just need to slow down, sit down and reflect... what are we chasing actually?



lagi dah tue lagi rasa nak bebel kat adik2 itu, tak yah poya2 gie la belajar, wahahah.. nak suruh itu ini je padahal biar dia rasa dan dia akan tahu pahit jerih hidup.

ko mmg membesar dgn cepatnye. no fizikally, but mentally.
masa time kolej, ko dah pi clubbing. pakwe naik merc hantar balik. bermalam di luar. berpoya-poya di genting dgn 'kawan baik'...
aku...masih lagi dok bengong2...

and mmg ko mature dgn cpt. Even skrng ko ala-ala bimbo skit...sikiit je ye, ko ttp more mature than me, i think. But aku more knowledgeable than u in certain thing...ngeh ngeh ngeh.

padahal knowledge aku tuh, semuanya hampeh belaka...hahahahha

Mizz N: Aku suka gak berleter kat adik aku tapi at one point i want her to go thru her mistake, live & learn.. take pride & regrets..

Out of My Mind: Hahah aku rasa umur aku tuh masa tuh kena la.. sbb berpoya2 eheheh aku tak bimbo cuma blur ajer.. and yes semestinya more knowledgeable dari aku atas usaha ko yg suka membaca..wink wink & aku yang sedia maklum malas.. muahahah

uik...ko sudah pratikal. aku hanya teori..*wink *wink..

psst...pasal cinta la. bukan part lain ye...hahahhaa.

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